Dmitry A.
Kozhevnikov - Doctor of physico-mathematical Science,
professor of chair of geophysical information systems of
Russia State University of Oil and Gas named by I.M.Gubkin, graduate of
that chair. He is author and co-author of more than 250 scientific
publications, including 5 monographs, in
russian and other periodicals.
Full Member of The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
and International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Arts and Education;
an Active Member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
IAEA expert, vice-president of Association of nuclear
geophysics of Russia; member of several Russian and foreign
scientific society
Phone: (095) 135-7056.
The Chair Of Geophysical Information Systems Of
Russia State University Of Oil And Gas Named By I.M.Gubkin
117917 Leninsky prosp.65, Moscow, Russia